Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Our Alternate Universe

Mr. Piano and I have created an alternate universe. How often we wish we could just walk through a door and find a room designed just for us where time stands still and we can escape our daily struggles and be together with no worries, no fears or stresses, just the two of us. 

It is be a library – large, but still comfortable and cozy. Only our best and favorite books are allowed to line the shelves. We are surrounded by books.

And there is a big, comfortable couch where we can sit and read and comfort. There is a pile of fluffy pillows and super soft blankets to curl up with or build a fort. 

There is a window facing a beautiful tree where afternoon sunlight can stream in and fill the room with soft light and a warm sunbeam for naps. It has thick beautifully designed drapes that can keep the room dim and cozy during cold winter nights when we cuddle up in our blankets hot chocolate and tea. 

There is a fireplace that gives off flickering light and shrouds the room in a warm blanket of shadows for quiet nights in December after a day of gingerbread and cinnamon and Christmas shopping with children. 

There is a giant teddy bear with rich chocolate fur and a big fluffy stomach to provide comfort and solace in times of sadness. And there is a lock on the door that only we have the key to. 

It is our perfect place of comfort. Whenever life is too stressful and we are separated, or we have nowhere to go because our roommates have pushed us out in favor of a vibrant and really dang loud celebration, our thoughts go back to our alternate universe. For now our alternate universe only exists in our minds and fondest imagination, but even now the very thought of what we could have comforts us and provides an escape for our minds. It is our dream, but it may never be realized. Someday….

oh, and since it's been a while since I have updated, Mr. Piano and I are dating as of Oct. 26 (my B-day)

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